Chiara Di Sabatino

She graduated in Law from the University of Bologna. After graduating she obtained her Diploma from the School of Specialisation in Legal Professions E. Redenti in Bologna and a Master’s in Tax Law A. Berliri. She is a member of the Bar Association and has extensive experience in tax law, both in court and out […]

Barbara Carera

Chartered Accountant and accounting expert. In the past she has been a contributor to the journal “Diritto e Pratica delle Società”, published by Il Sole 24 Ore, and a member of the Company Law Commission. She specialises in corporate and tax advice, with a particular emphasis on tax credits and bonuses.

Annarita Carbone

She focuses on business and tax consulting. She also has experience in payroll and work issue management.

Lorenzo Tano

He graduated with honours from the School of Economics and Management of the University of Florence, with a thesis in Extraordinary Operations. He is primarily interested in tax, business and corporate consulting. He has extensive expertise in technical advice in criminal, civil and administrative matters.He is a Subject Expert for the teaching of Extraordinary Operations […]

Valerio Pandolfi

He graduated from the University of Florence. He is a consultant in company, corporate and tax matters and has extensive experience in business crisis management, as a presenter, receiver, judicial commissioner and liquidator and a procedural expert. He is, and has been, a member of Boards of Statutory Auditors of leading Italian companies.

Cecilia Cantaluppi

She graduated in Economics and Business Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.She is mainly involved in domestic and international tax matters, tax litigation and transfer pricing. In recent years, she has also further analysed the application of patent boxes and facilities 4.0.She taught on the preparatory courses at the Training […]

Lorenzo Bandinelli

He graduated from the University of Florence, completing part of his course at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.He is mainly involved in insolvency proceedings, tax litigation and tax consultancy.He is a member of the Scientific Committee on Insolvency Procedures and Over-indebtedness of the Florence Foundation of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts and, in this capacity, […]

Angela Maria Vairo

Former official who collects abstracts of the rulings of the Provincial and Regional Tax Commission of Lombardy. Former contributor to “Quotidiano il Fisco” (online journal of Il Sole 24 Ore).Former teacher for training courses organised by Istud, aimed at young entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs. She collaborated on the text Holzmiller E. (2008), Gruppi societari e […]

Stefano Mucci

He graduated with honours in Law from the University of Milan with a thesis in Company Law. After graduating, he enrolled in the Bar Association at the Milan Bar and gained consolidated experience in the field of civil law with a particular focus on civil liability. Over the years, he has acted as Legal Advisor […]