Mariateresa Arcuri

She graduated in Economics of Financial Intermediaries from the University of Florence. She obtained the qualification of Chartered Accountant in 2009. She is mainly involved in tax and corporate consultancy and also has experience in the field of extraordinary operations and tax consultancy for credit istitution and international corporate groups. In the recent year, she […]

Giuseppe Ferorelli

He graduated in Economics and Business Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, with a thesis in Extraordinary Operations. He is mainly involved in tax and corporate consultancy.

Alessia Galimberti

She graduated in Economics and Business Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, with a thesis in Extraordinary Operations. She is mainly involved in tax and corporate consultancy.

Lorenzo Fari

He graduated with honours in Business Economics from the University of Florence, with a thesis in Corporate Finance. Since September 2022 he has been practising professionally at the firm.

Carmine Nacchia

He holds a degree in business administration from the University of Salerno. He works mainly in tax, business and corporate consulting.

Marco Billone

He graduated with honours from the University of Florence and works as a Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor.He has a special interest in the professional areas of corporate crisis and restructuring, over-indebtedness, corporate valuation and corporate social responsibility.He has participated in the Training and Education Activities Committee for the Foundation of Chartered Accountants and Accounting […]

Matteo Magni

He graduated with honours in Accounting and Freelance Professional Activities from the School of Economics and Management of the University of Florence, with a thesis in Extraordinary Operations. He is mainly involved in tax, corporate, insolvency proceedings and transfer pricing consultancy.

Laura Giommoni

Graduated with honours with a thesis in bankruptcy law at the University of Florence. She obtained the qualification of Chartered Accountant in 2009. She is mainly involved in tax and corporate consultancy and also has experience in tax disputes and in the field of extraordinary operations.

Laura Chiara Gandolfi

She focuses on business and tax consulting. She has experience in the compliance of non-financial holding companies.

Massimo Frascati

He is a Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor. He is mainly involved in business, tax and corporate consultancy and has extensive experience in the resolution of tax issues and extraordinary management operations.