July – International Tax Focus

Technical Services Under Tax Treaties Concluded With Tanzania And Uganda. Tax Treaty Treatment Of Swiss Avs And Llp Pensions. Capital Gain On Shares Sale Is Taxa-Ble Only By The Residence State Un-Der Tax Treaties. Taxation Of The Income Derived By Airplanes Pilot Under Tax Treaty Law. The Italian Ministry Of Finance Has Signed The Protocol […]

June – International Tax Focus

Assonime Analyses The Italian Pex Regime For Non-Residents. Update Of The List Of The Countries That Exchanges Data On Bank Accounts. The Withholding Exemption On Proceeds Distributed By Italian Funds Also Applies To Canadian Funds. The Italian Tax Authorities Analyse The New Obligations For Intermediaries Involved In Short-Term Rentals. The Italian Ministry Of Finance Issued […]

May – International Tax Focus

Residence Certificate And Withholding Refund The Head-Office Is Not Entited To Vat Refund If Has A Permanet Establishment In Italy New Tax Treaties To Be Approved By The Parliament Special Scheme For Small Enterprises Found To Be Compliant With The Vat Directive The Italian Tax Authorities Is-Sued Certain Implementing Rules On The New Cfc Regime […]